The Northeast Showing Native Homelands and Movements

Circa 1650 -1750. During this period, many Native communities started shifting locations under pressure from international and inter-tribal warfare. In 1650, a group of Wendats (Huron) migrated to Lorette after war with the Iroquois. In 1676, a group of Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) from present-day New York moved north to Kahnawake near Montreal. After 1676, some Wôbanaki families and bands went west to Schaghticoke and/or north to Pennacook, Cowass, Missisquoi and Odanak. Some Native communities, like Kahnawake, Lorette, St. Francis/Odanak, and Norridgewock incorporated Catholic missions. Despite all this movement, many Wôbanaki people in present-day Vermont and New Hampshire never left. Others shifted back and forth among different Native communities for generations.

Map showing Native Homelands and Movements in the Northeast

Sources: Captors and Captives: The 1704 French and Indian Raid on Deerfield, by Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney, 2003; and information from advisors to this website.

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