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Getting Started

Page Contents:
Introduction | Website Contents | Website Features


Getting Started describes the content and special features of the Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704 website. We suggest that you begin with Getting Started and then proceed in any way that interests you. There is no one right way to view this website. The Home Page gives you four choices to begin:

• Introduction to 1704
• Meet the Five Cultures
• Story Menu
• Enter the Conflict (links you directly to the 1704 Raid scene.)

If you prefer a recommendation, then we suggest you begin with the Introduction, then move to Meet the Five Cultures, and then go to the Story Menu. But whatever sequence you choose for exploring the site, remember that in each scene, you can delve deeper into linked information, or you can remain on the surface.

Website Contents

The website brings together a variety of different types of content to illuminate broad and competing perspectives on this dramatic event. Click each content area title to read about it.

Home Page
Introduction to 1704
Meet the Five Cultures
Story Menu
Historic Scenes
Artifacts & Documents
Voices & Songs
Teachers' Guide
Bibliography & Webography Citations
Site Map
Illustrations & Paintings


image of site's homepageHome Page: The Home page presents four beginning points for this website. You can start with the Introduction to the site; you can begin by meeting the five cultures whose stories are depicted on the site; you can go directly to the story menu which displays the historic scenes of the site; or, you can go directly to the historic scene "Raid on Deerfield," which is the key event which inspired this website.

image of introduction
Introduction to 1704: This introduction is a five-minute narrated (with text captions) slide show which introduces the raid and the history that lead up to it.

image of icons representing the five cultural groups
Meet the Five Cultures: This page introduces the five cultures represented in the website (Kanienkehaka, Wôbanakiak, Wendat, English, French). You can read a short description of each culture, or link to a more detailed explanation.

image of story menu Story Menu: This menu presents a chronological sequence of historic scenes leading up to the raid, the raid itself, and the events and legacies in its aftermath. If you wish, you can move chronologically through all the site's historic scenes using the Story Menu. Each scene is represented by a thumbnail illustration and a brief description. Some scenes, like the Trade scene, link to a menu of several scenes. Whatever sequence you choose for exploring the site, remember that in each scene, you can delve deeper into linked information, or you can remain on the surface.

image of a  historic scene pageHistoric Scenes: Historic scenes provide the foundation for this website. They are a chronology of the forces and events that led up to the raid on Deerfield, the raid itself and its aftermath, and the powerful legacies which influenced the English colonies, the Native peoples, and the French, through the colonial period, and which influence these groups and New England to this day.

These historic scenes include: Lifeways (Wôbanaki, Wendat, Kanienkehaka, French, English); Trade & Alliance (Springfield, Albany, Quebec); New Communities (Wôbanaki, Wendat, Kanienkehaka, French, English); Assault on Peskeompskut; Great Peace; Attack; March; and Parting Ways; Captivity; Communities Remember; and Legacies. Most of these scenes have the full compliment of glossary links, links to other parts of the website, rollovers, "Related to This Scene" menus, and perspective tabs. Users can choose to read high level information, or delve deeper.

image of a People pagePeople: If the historic scenes provide the foundation for the website, the people narratives provide the heart and soul of the website. They tell the stories of the people behind the raid and in doing so, capture viewers' attention, provoke curiosity, invite involvement and convey layers of meaning. They give life to the Wôbanaki, African, English, Kanienkehaka, Wendat, and French people who played significant roles in this story. These narratives are filled with illustrations, glossary links, footnotes, and links to other parts of the website. While an essay titled "Bringing History to Life: The People in The Many Stories of 1704" explains in general how we created these characters, an "About This Character" description for each person speaks specifically to how that character was created.

image of the Artifact menuArtifacts & Documents: The site also includes artifacts and historic documents from over 30 institutions in the US, Canada, France, England, and Italy. These artifacts are presented in eight categories: ceremonial objects, historic documents, household objects, tools, personal items/clothing, military objects, portraits & pictures, and structures/architectural elements.

image of an Explanation pageExplanations: Essays, also known as "Explanations," by scholars in the field such as Kevin Sweeney, Marge Bruchac, Joanne Melish, and Barry O'Connell, cover topics including colonization, epidemics, English and Native land use, Native diaspora, slavery, the "ownership" of history, Puritanism, and Catholicism.

image of audio and transcriptionVoices & Songs: This section features the WFCR series "Captive Lands, Captive Hearts," as well as creation stories, and English and French music - featuring audio and text.

image of an interactive map of New EnglandMaps: Some of the maps on this website were created in the early colonial period as Europeans struggled to understand and claim North America. Other maps were created for this website and offer several different visual and geographical perspectives on the peoples and events connected to the 1704 raid on Deerfield.

image of the Timeline Timeline: A timeline covers 120 years of history and is divided into three thematic sections: Deerfield History, North American History, and World History. It is further divided into six time periods: 1600 - 1620 | 1621 - 1640 | 1641 - 1660 | 1661 - 1680 | 1681 - 1700 | 1701 - 1720.

image of lesson page from Teachers GuideTeachers' Guide: The Teachers' Guide is divided into two sections: Getting Started (this page), which briefly describes the content and special features of the 1704 site; and Thematic Lessons, which suggest themes and activities for the classroom. The lessons, which cover a range of topics and help students personalize their study of the people involved in the raid, serve as examples of different ways you can use the 1704 website with students. Because the text of the site is written at an adult level, most of the lessons are best used with upper elementary through high school students. At the end of each lesson is a list of resources for further information. We encourage teachers to incorporate their own resources as well.

image of a Glossary definitionGlossary: Glossary entries are available throughout the website from links embedded in the content of the website, as well as from a Glossary link on each page. Many of these glossary terms were written by Native advisors and have accompanying audio pronunciations. The Glossary is divided into alphabetical sections for easier access to specific terms.

image of Resources pageBibliography & Webography Citations: The bibliography and webography reflect sources (some unpublished original research is included) used to write the content of the website, as well as useful website information.

Site Map: A page that contains links to all the pages in this site organized by thematic section.

an illustration by Francis BackIllustrations & Paintings: PVMA commissioned Francis Back, a well-known Canadian illustrator to illustrate many of the scenes and character portraits that provide the core of this website. We commissioned Frank Gregory, a local artist, to illustrate four of the New Communities scenes. In addition to these original works, we have illustrated character narratives and explanations with images from PVMA's Memorial Hall Museum collection, as well as images from US, Canadian, French, English, and Italian institutions.


Introduction | Website Contents | Website Features | top of page

Website Features

The website uses a variety of interactive features that permit storytelling in small, understandable, compelling segments, supported by fuller context, thereby capturing the casual learner's attention, but also providing a rich context to satisfy the deeper interests of more motivated learners. While the casual viewer can merely browse an historic scene to learn about this event and the conflicting views surrounding it, the more motivated viewer can dig visitor. The visitor takes charge of the learning—textually, visually, and interactively. Click each website feature to learn more about it.

Historic Scenes Rollovers
Historic Scene Perspective Tabs
Audio Links in Glossary
Magic Lens for Transcriptions
Zoom for Artifacts
How To Use This Page


image of rollover featureHistoric Scenes Features: Whenever multiple cultures are depicted in an historic scene illustration, rolling your cursor over the illustration highlights artifacts and people specific to each culture. As your cursor rolls over an item, a short description of it displays below the illustration. When the text includes "Click figure/object for more," you can link to additional information about the item.

image of spotlight feature image of hotspots image of hotspot button image of enlarge button

"spotlight" feature

"Show all hotspots"

"Show all hotspots"

"Show large version of picture" button

As you click each perspective tab, the objects or figures for that culture highlight and the rest of the illustration dims; we call this feature "spotlighting." The "Show all hotspots" feature displays all links in the illustration in yellow when you click the "Show all hotspots" button. When you click the "Show large version of picture" button, the illustration enlarges, but without the rollovers.

image of Related to This Scene menuYou can click the RELATED TO THIS SCENE menus beneath the illustration to display a list for each of the categories: PEOPLE, ARTIFACTS, EXPLANATIONS, MAPS. Clicking an item in the list, links you to that item.

image of Perspectives TabsHistoric Scene Perspective Tabs: When a historic scene is a shared scene, that is, when it represents more than one culture, tabs to the right of the scene display each culture's perspective on the event depicted. For example, for the historic scene "Attack," all five cultures are represented. However, for the historic scene "Assault on Peskeompskut," only the English and Wôbanaki tabs are active because only the English and Wôbanaki are present.

There are two exceptions to this design. For the first two historic scenes—Lifeways and New Communities—rather than the tabbed approach, each Lifeway or New Community focuses on just one culture, and therefore no tabs are displayed.

image of audio iconAudio Links in Glossary
: This icon signals that the glossary term includes an audio pronunciation, as well as a definition. To hear the pronunciation, just click the icon.

image of Magic Lens featureMagic Lens for Transcriptions
: A "magic lens" feature allows you to move a virtual lens over an historic manuscript to reveal a transcription. You can also size the lens.

Zoom iconZoom for Artifacts: A zoom feature permits you to select both a zoom level and a view size to for examination of artifact details.

How To Use This Page iconHow To Use This Page: For each historic scene, a help page (?) link located directly under the bottom left corner of the illustration links to a page which describes the features (e.g., rollovers, menus, tabs, etc.) of the historic scene page.

Introduction | Website Contents | Website Features


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© 2020 PVMA / Memorial Hall Museum