- Eunice's treatment - carried by captor, given better shoes, let her stay near family on walk, let her ride on sled, treated gently.
- Stephen's treatment - given better shoes, took away his silver buttons and buckles, torn away from his family and all other English people.
- Eunice's names: Waongote meaning, "they took her and placed her as a member of their tribe"; Kanenstenhawi meaning, "she brings in corn." Stephen was not given a new name because no one adopted him.
- a. Thaowentsawakon joined the raid to find a child to adopt
to replace a niece who had died of smallpox; Wattanummon joined
the raid to get back at the English for wrongs they had committed
against his people.
- b. Thaowentsawakon's treatment of Eunice - gave her moccasins,
smiled at her, spoke kind words even though she did not understand,
carried her, treated her kindly. Wattanummon's treatment of
Stephen - gave him moccasins, kept him from drowning, kept him
from being killed by others, showed Stephen how to eat yokeg
without choking, was stern with him and sometimes treated him
roughly, punished Stephen for calling out loudly when Stephen
got lost in the woods.
- c). Thaowentsawakon gave Eunice to his sister, who adopted
her. Wattanummon gave Stephen to his friend, George Tahanto.
- a. Stephen's complaints and feelings - his captors were liars;
they murdered children; he was made to travel too far too fast;
he had sore and frostbitten feet; he was hungry, frightened,
angry, uneasy, desolate.
- b. Stephen preferred to be with the French because they were
kind to him, pitied him, fed him bread and other food, dressed
the wounds on his feet, and let him lie down on a "couch."
- c. Most likely Stephen was redeemed because he did not adapt
well to his captors' way of life and, as a child of the town's
minister, John Williams, he would have been heavily pursued
to return to New England.
- a. Eunice's complaints and feelings - she had trouble keeping
up; she was afraid; she felt comforted by being allowed to stay
near her family on part of the march; she felt fortunate, sorry
for her father, sad.
- b. Eunice made a good adoptee because she didn't complain
very much; she didn't fight back; she felt fortunate and was
able to overcome some of her fear; her captor may have noticed
her helpfulness in caring for her little brother on the sled.
As a young girl, she was still impressionable and more easily
converted to Catholicism and the Kanienkehaka way of life.