- Go to the Explanations Menu on the 1704 website and read Captivity And Return, by Kevin Sweeney.
- Go to the People Menu and read about Eunice Kanenstenhawi Williams. As you read The March and Parting Ways sections of her narrative, keep notes and list words, phrases, and actions that describe how the attackers treated Eunice.
- Read about Stephen Williams from the People
Menu. As you read The March and
Parting Ways sections of his narrative, list
words, phrases and actions that describe how the attackers treated
- Write down Eunice's new names and their meanings. Was Stephen given a new name? Why not?
- Read about Thaowentsawakon and Wattanummon from the People Menu.
a. Why did each man join the raid on Deerfield?
b. List words, phrases and actions that describe how each man
treated his captive.
c. What did each man eventually do with his captive?
- From the Artifacts Menu on the 1704 website, click Historic Documents and click Stephen Williams's Account. Click Text Transcription to read a typed version of Stephen's account. Also re-read the The March and Parting Ways sections of Stephen's narrative. Answer the following questions:
a. As a captive, what were Stephen's complaints?
How was he feeling, both physically and mentally?
b. Once in Canada, with whom did Stephen prefer to be? Why?
c. Why do you think Stephen was eventually redeemed?
- Reread The March and Parting Ways
sections of Eunice's narrative. Answer the following questions:
a. As a captive, what were Eunice's complaints? How
was she feeling, both physically and mentally?
b. Had Eunice behaved in a different manner, she might not have
been adopted. Why do you think Eunice made a good adoptee?