Choose one item from all of those listed below and print out its picture, label and transcription (if necessary). Take notes about the importance of your item and what it reveals about life on the frontier in New England.
On the 1704 website, go to the Artifact menu:
Artifacts - Personal Items/Clothing:
- Red Slate Gorget
- Sash
- Tobacco Pouch
- Sarah Coleman's Shoe
- John Sheldon Snowshoes
- Prisoner Halter
Artifacts - Historic Documents:
- Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Mashalisk to John Pynchon
- Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Ahimunquat to Dedham residents
- Deed of Pacomtuck land granted by Chauk to Dedham residents
- The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion
- Stephen Williams's Account
- 1706 Letter to John Sheldon
- Warning Letter from Samuel Partridge
Artifacts - Ceremonial Objects:
On the American Centuries website, go to the Search page (, enter the item you wish to search for in the Text field, and click the Go button at the bottom of the page.
- Complaint against John Evans by Sarah Smith
- Letter from John Pynchon
- Turtle effigy pipe fragment
- "Ancient History of Pocomptuck or Deerfield"...
- "Eulogy on King Philip as Pronounced at the Odeon"
- Letter to John Williams