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Lesson 9
Comparing Lives: The Assault on Peskeompskut from Two Different Perspectives
Student Activity Sheet

  1. Go to the People Menu on the 1704 website. Find Weetanusk and Eunice Mather Williams. Read all of Weetanusk's character narrative and read up to the section titled "1704" of Eunice's narrative.
    a. Write down the year each woman was born.
    b. List the work each did.
    c. Keep notes on a woman's role in each culture.
    d. List values each might have had in regard to being a good member of her culture.
    e. List any concerns each woman might have had.
  2. Go to the Artifacts Menu and look in the Personal Items/Clothing and Household Objects sections to find items these women might have owned. List any that both might have used.
  3. Go to the Story Menu and click Assault on Peskeompskut. Write down the year that this assault took place and read more about it. How old were Eunice and Weetanusk at the time of the assault?


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