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Lesson 2
Making Tracks to Canada - Student Activity Sheet

  1. Go to the "Maps101" website to view (and print) a map of Vermont (http://media.maps101.com/SUB/ATLAS/Images/vermontusrah.gif.). Figure out what might be the best route from Massachusetts to Canada. Note that the green areas are the lowest in altitude and the yellow to orange areas are the highest. Keep in mind where it would be easiest to travel in winter when there is plenty of snow on the ground. Print the map and draw your idea of the "best" route from Massachusetts to Canada.

  2. Now go to the Maps Menu on the 1704 website and choose The March to Canada.
  3. a. How does your route compare with the routes the captives actually took?
    b. Why do you think the routes mostly follow rivers rather than crossing over land?
    c. Figure out about how many miles it is from Deerfield to Chambly, the first stop in Canada for many of the captives.
  4. Follow this link and print the blank map of Vermont. Using the map of Vermont that you used in Activity #1 and The March to Canada map, add the following to the blank map:
  5. • The Winooski and Connecticut rivers
    • Lake Champlain and the Richelieu River
    • Deerfield
    • Chambly
    • Areas with the highest mountains
    • The route that most of the captives took to Canada (red line on The March to Canada map)
    • A title
    • A compass rose
    • A scale of miles
    • A legend

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